Diary Alert: 6.00pm on Tuesday 18 November 2014
The Edge of Joy is a documentary film that follows an ensemble cast of Nigerian doctors, midwives and families to the frontlines of maternal care.
Inside a maternity ward, the film chronicles distressed labors, deaths, and miraculous survival. Outside, lack of blood supply transportation and family planning are examined as causes of the cycle that kills more than 36,000 Nigerian women each year.
On Tuesday 18 November The Edge of Joy will be screened at the University of Birmingham. The video will be followed up with specialist panel discussions. Professor Harry Gee will speak for Ammalife about the importance of local input and investment in those who can deliver services and education directly to women, including traditional birth attendants and clinical officers. He will be joined by Dr Rosa Freedman, who has published extensively on the UK Human Rights Council, and Dr Scott Freedman, who recently developed a new, gender sensitive measure of multidimensional poverty.
We think the event will be informative and challenging, so register at the event website and join us for a great evening!
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