This July, Professor Arri Coomarasamy, Ammalife founder, will be delivering a Scientific Writing Masterclass with colleagues from the University of Birmingham. All proceeds of this event will go directly to Ammalife’s life-saving work on fighting maternal sepsis.

This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who is interested in getting published in top scientific journals to get advice from the experts. Professor Coomarasamy has been published in leading journals such as The Lancet, The British Medical Journal, and the New England Journal of Medicine. You can find one of Professor Coomarasamy’s latest collaborative publications on uterotonic drugs and postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) prevention on the Learning Hub section of our website, as well as other journal articles on maternal health by Ammalife researchers.

The masterclass will take place on Friday 13th July from 9.30am to 4pm at the University of Birmingham Medical School in Edgbaston. The cost of the all-day masterclass is £110 with all proceeds going towards Ammalife’s projects. We are pleased to announce that thanks to some very generous sponsors we are able to offer a discounted price of just £20 for medical students. For more information or to register a place, please contact We hope to see you there!

Click here to download the event flier.